CheckRate - Know the Score

How to Boost your Web or Online Sales in the UK (or Ireland)

If you are looking to Boost your Web or Online Sales via your E-commerce site in the UK or Ireland please read on:

Researching and looking for Products Online can take a lot of time and effort. 

First of all you have to go through the browsing, then the comparing of products before you decide on what you like and  add them to the online shopping cart or basket. 

However leaving those products and deserting the shopping cart or basket is as simple and easy as hitting a button “click.” 

And that is a problem for many online web retailers or e-commerce site.

According to an e-tailing group online shopping survey done in 2009 in the USA, nearly 60% of US online retailers who were surveyed saw cart abandonment rates of over 20% for the year.

Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates Among US Online Retailers, 2008 & 2009 (% of respondents)

Another study done that same year, by PayPal and comScore found 45% of US online shoppers had abandoned shopping carts multiple times in just three weeks.

Have you had similar experiences here in the United Kingdom?

Most importantly from the merchants’ point of view, the average cost of abandoned goods in those shopping carts (from the same survey) was $109 ( approx £70).

In the same online shopping study, 46% of online shoppers said high shipping charges were a “very important reason” for emptying their shopping carts or baskets.
Other reasons for abandonment included:

  • Wanted to comparison shop: 37%
  • Lack of money: 36%
  • Wanted to look for a coupon: 27%
  • Wanted to shop offline: 26%
  • Couldn’t find preferred pay option: 24%
  • Item unavailable at checkout: 23%
  • Couldn’t find customer support: 22%
  • Security concerns: 21% 
Security concerns made up 21%.
In a separate study done in Europe there were these findings: 

"77% of European Online Shoppers say it is important for an E-commerce website to incorporate a trust mark of some kind"

"69% of Online Shoppers in Europe have abandoned a shopping cart or failed to complete an online purchase because they didn't get a sense of security and trust"

Some of these Security Concerns can be lifted with the use of various Trustmarks on your website and these will Boost Web or Online Sales

There are many pay safe and IT system security Trustmarks available on the market to sure up concerns over Payment and Security issues but not many give the consumer confidence in the Business behind the website being able to fulfill the order or the purchase, especially if the turnaround time is substantial.

That is where CheckRate comes in:

We provide a Financial Trustmark which shows how credit worthy the buisness behind the website is and allows consumer to have trust that the business they are dealing with at least has a low chance of failing within the next 12 months (or during the period of time in which they are waiting for the supply of their good or service).
Happy, confident consumers who Trust the website they are shopping on are more likely to purchase than those with concerns so this would give you a boost to your web or online sales. 

If this sounds like a great way for you to boost your web or online sales please feel free to contact mike on: 07969 286126 or email:

*If you know any else who could do with help to boost their web or online sales please forward this page pink to them via Facebook or Twitter etc.