CheckRate - Know the Score

CheckRate Financial Trustmark and Verified Business Credit Reports & Online Decision Maker Approved Partner Program

CheckRate Financial Trustmark & Business Credit Reports

CheckRate provide Website Financial Trustmarks and Business Credit Reports including a quick an easy to use web based account opening decision making tool for quick and efficient account opening.  As well as providing these products direct to customers we are also happy to service customers through Third Party Partners and Affiliates.  With that in mind please find details of our Approved Partner Program.

 Approved Partner Program - Introduction

CheckRate have created an Approved Partner Affiliate Program in response to requests from other businesses who saw the potential in offering a Consumer Confidence Seal, the first product to be released from the CheckRate portfolio.  Since the inception of the Badge CheckRate have also added CheckRate Verified Business, Company & Director Reports as well as Unlimited Access to a quick online decision making tool for quick and efficient account opening.  If you would like to be a partner or affiliate of these services please email:

More about the CheckRate products available in our Approved Partner Program:

Consumer Confidence Seal / Financial Trustmark:

This next generation Trustmark / 1st Generation Financial Trustmark goes one step further than those currently available in the market by taking into account, independent third party, analysed data before deciding whether a business is credit worthy and authorised to display this high calibre badge.

UK & Irish Business, Company & Director Credit Checks:

CheckRate Verified Business, Company & Director Credit Reports offer Credit Assessments, Credit Ratings & Limits and Financial Accounts info to allow you to make credit risk and business risk decisions on your customers, suppliers and competitors.

Unlimited Access to Online Decision Maker for Efficient Account Opening: 

If you are looking for Snap Shot Credit Reports for Quick and easy decision making or online access to a quick and easy to use Decision maker for quick and efficient on mass account opening then the Unlimited Access CheckRate Rating tool is for you.  For a One of fixed fee for the year you can get access to as many credit decisions as you want for a 12 month period (prices based on usage).

FaceBook™ Exposure:

Developing this product further and desiring yet even greater market penetration and brand awareness the CheckRate Development Team have taken the Verified Business Credit Search and created a FaceBook™ Application. With around 10 million UK users and more than 100 million Worldwide, this step ensures even greater exposure for the CheckRate brand both in the domestic and Worldwide market places.

Working Together:

Recognising the intricate partnership between a website design company and its clients the CheckRate Approved Partner Program was born. This program allows members the ability to provide the benefits the CheckRate Consumer Confidence Seal brings to their clients whilst adding an additional revenue stream to their business.

In addition if you are a membership Buying Group, Trade Association, Networking Group or Credit Management, Credit Control or Business Consultant looking for an affiliate or discounted offer for you members or clients on our Business Credit Reports or Online Decision Maker tools.

Approved Partner Program - What Are The Benefits?

As a member of the CheckRate Approved Partner Program you will be provided with all the tools to further help your clients with their online marketing or credit control requirements. 

We will give you the ability to provide clients with the CheckRate Consumer Confidence Seal / Financial Trustmark at a lower than retail cost to yourself , so that you can start generating profit from the minute you process your first order.

In addition we can give you membership discount rates based on number of members for our Business Credit Reports and online Decision Maker Tool or great commissions for any affiliate referrals or Sales. 

What are the options?

With regards to marketing CheckRate to your clients there are two options that CheckRate Approved Partners are presented with;

Option One

The first being that as our Account Managers have lots of experience retailing CheckRate products and know the benefits it brings to website owners and credit controllers / Business owners, we can sell it to your client base or membership. 

If this option is chosen once we have received a list of your clients we will then process them to find which are eligible to display the CheckRate Seal on their website.

The clients who are eligible will then be contacted by one of the CheckRate Account Managers who will contact them to see if they would like to become a member of the CheckRate Consumer Confidence Seal & Business Report Program. and then contact the other members or clients who did not qualify for a Seal, just for their report and Decision maker requirements. 

If the client does purchase a CheckRate Seal and An Online Decision Maker, we will provide you with a 25% commission for the introduction.  For Report or Decision maker only sales we would provide 10%.

Option Two

Having operated in the same industry CheckRate understand the close working relationship many web designer / web masters have with their existing clients.  We also know how many memberships associations or Buying groups successfully market affiliate schemes to their members and how Credit Management or Business consultants work on a level of Trust with their clients. 

All of which have developed a good understanding of their clients/members needs, what they are looking to accomplish as well as shared many ideas of how to best achieve this.

The second option therefore allows CheckRate Approved Partners to contact or market to their customers directly to sell our CheckRate Seal, if eligible, as well as the other products available.

If this is the case then we can supply you with the CheckRate Seal at a wholesale price, lower than retail price which you can then re-sell on to your clients.  We would also provide you with a 25% commission on any Business Credit Report or Online Decision Maker Subscriptions that you secure. 

The amount of discount on our Seals / Trustmarks, Business, Company & Director Reports and Online Decision Making Tool Subscriptions would be determined around the estimated volume of sales generated  We can provide full details and quotes upon request.

Approved Partner Tools

Regardless of method chosen each partner once accepted* will gain the ability to display the CheckRate Approved Partner Seal on their website.

Access to the CheckRate Partner Admin Terminal* where they will be able to enter clients and also track the progress in terms of revenue generated.

Please email: to request a call or please feel free to complete the online application form.